My PC does not meet the PC recommendations for using the Medit intraoral scanner. Is there any way, however, to make the oral scan as smooth as possible using this PC?
1. On your computer;
- Ensure that Windows and the graphics card driver are both up to date.
- Go to "Windows > Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Power Options" and check the box next to "High performance."
- If you suspect that your PC has its own performance management application, locate it and set your PC's performance to the maximum.
2. In the Scanner Settings of the "Medit Scan for Clinics" program,
- Select "Smooth & Steady" from the "Scanning Experience" menu. Only the i600, i700, and i700 wireless scanners have this option.
3. In the Program Settings of the "Medit Scan for Clinics" program,
- If your GPU is not from the 30xx series, choose "1.0" for the" AI Engine" version.
- Deactivate "Global Soft Tissue Filtering."
- Turn off "Active Noise Filtering."