Deviation Display Mode
- Deviation Display Mode displays the deviation results between the aligned target and the reference data using a color map.
❏ Toolbox
- Reassign target and reference data: Used to change the target and reference data assignment.
- Delete measurement results: Used to delete deviation results indicated on the 3D data.
- Create sections: Used to create section lines.
- Color map on/off: Used to turn on/off the color map.
- Deviation settings: Used to adjust the settings as to deviation calculation.
❏ Deviation Settings
Exclude Low Fidelity Data
- Used to exclude the low-fidelity boundary data when calculating data deviation.
Remove Outlier by Sigma
- Used to input the Sigma value and use it to exclude the outliers when calculating.
- In the case of 1 sigma, only data that comes within 1 sigma (standard deviation) are used for calculation based on the positive and negative deviations.
- In the case of n-time sigma, only data that comes within n-time sigma (standard deviation) are used for calculation based on the positive and negative deviations.
Calculation Method
- You can choose between the normal vector and the nearest position when calculating data deviation.
Percentile Range of Interest
- Used to set the percentile range displayed in the Properties on the left side of the program window. If you enter “80,” it will show the 10th percentile and 90th percentile.
- You can customize the maximum value of deviation and the acceptable tolerance by clicking on the numbers in bold.
- Adjust the resolution bar located above the color bar. The color range gets further divided when the resolution is higher.
- Min: The largest negative deviation value.
- Max: The largest positive deviation value.
- Median: The value separating the higher half from the lower half of a data sample.
- Avg (average): The average of all the deviation values.
- Abs Avg. (absolute average): The average of the absolute deviations.
- RMS (root mean square): The square root of means of squares of deviation values.
- Std. Dev. (standard deviation): A statistic that measures the dispersion of a dataset relative to its mean and is calculated as the square root of the variance. The standard deviation represents the distribution's dispersion. The curve with the smallest standard deviation has a high peak and a narrow spread, whereas the curve with the largest standard deviation is flatter and wider. When comparing various data sets, a lower standard deviation value indicates that the data are closer together.
- Var. (variance): A measure of dispersion that describes how far a set of data deviates from its average value.
- Avg.(+): The average of the deviation values' positive values.
- Avg.(–): The average of the deviation values' negative values.
- (90–10)/2: The value of the 90 percentile minus the 10 percentile divided by 2.
- 10 percentile: 10% value of deviation values.
- 90 percentile: 90% value of deviation values.
- In Tol.(tolerance): The percentage of deviations that fall inside the user-defined tolerance range (shown in green).
❏ Adjusting the resolution bar
- Clicking the index values in bold allows for customizing the maximum value of deviation and the acceptable tolerance.
: Acceptable tolerance = 0.20mm
: Acceptable tolerance = 0.05mm
- Resolution: Used to adjust the resolution configuring how many classes are to be used to divide the color range.
: Resolution > High
: Resolution > Mid
: Resolution > Low
- To check the exact measurement, click on the specific position on the data.
💡 About Data Tree
- The Data Tree view in Deviation Display Mode shows data grouped into the target and reference data.
- You can easily control data by hiding, showing, or changing its transparency individually or as a group. Right-click the mouse to see the options for each group of data, or specific data.