❏ Overview
A.Title bar
The title bar consists of the following options.
- Menu: The menu includes tools to manage project options and shows the details of the application.
- Help Center: Used to go to the Medit Help Center page.
- Select Video Capture Area: Select the area to be recorded for the video capture.
- Start Video Recording: Start the video capture.
- Screenshot: Capture the screen. You can select the area automatically or manually. The automatic select area consists of the program area and the main 3D area.
- Screenshot Settings: Configure settings for taking screenshots. Set a transparent or white background and choose to hide all icons.
- Screenshot Manager: Used to manage screen capture images.
- Minimize: Minimizes the application window.
- Maximize or restore: Maximize or restore the application.
- Exit: Close the application.
B. Data tree
Right-click the mouse to see the options for each group of data or specific data.
- Show this only: Show only the chosen data.
- Show/Hide: Hide or show the chosen data.
- Zoom to selection: Zoom to show selected data.
- Rename: Rename the data or group.
- Delete: Delete the data from Medit Design.
- Export to Medit Link: Export the selected data to the Medit Link case as an attachment.
- Overwrite File in Medit Link: Overwrite the file in Medit Link, replacing the previous version.
- Duplicate: Duplicate the file.
- Create New Group: Add a new data group.
- Change Color: Change the color of the selected data.
- Move to Other Group: Move the selected data to another group from the list.
💡You can select multiple data in the Data Tree and delete or copy them all at once.
💡Note that all context menu commands are provided only when in Overview Mode.
C. Guide message
D. Data properties
E. Color bar
F. Undo/Redo
- : Used to undo the previous action.
- : Use to reiterate the previous action.
G. Modes
Modes in Medit Design are not subjected to any particular sequence. You can work on 3D data without prior alignment.
- Overview Mode: Import, examine and delete data.
💡Click on the icon of any other mode you are working in to exit and return to Overview Mode.
- Alignment: Align target and reference data.
- Deviation Display Mode: See the deviation result on the 3D data.
- Roughness Measurement Mode: See the surface roughness of the data through a color map.
- Curvature Display Mode: See the curvature of data through a color map.
- Transformation Mode: Transform 3D scan data by rotating, translating, scaling or using a transformation matrix.
- Measurement Mode: Measure the distance, angle, length, and area on the 3D data or its section lines.
- Edit Mode: Edit and trim data using the wide array of functions provided.
- Complete: "Overwrite" or "Export" files to save the changes and close the program.
💡 If you want to keep the measurement results ready for communication in Medit Link, take a screenshot using the “Screenshot” tool located on the Main Toolbar.
H. 3D data view
I. Toolbox
- Available command options are shown corresponding to the current stage.
J. Side toolbar
Data display modes
- Textured: Used to see the data with color information.
- Textured with edges: Used to display the data with color information and edges.
- Monochrome: Used to see the data in a single color.
- Monochrome with edges: Used to see the data in a single color with the edges.
- Wire-frame: Used to display the data as edges only.
3D data view options
- +Z Axis View: See the front view.
- -Z Axis View: See the back view.
- +X Axis View: See the left view.
- -X Axis View: See the right view.
- +Y Axis View: See the top view.
- -Y Axis View: See the bottom view.
- Isometric View: See the isometric view.
- Split View: Enable to work with two sets of data simultaneously.
- Rotate: Left-click and drag to rotate the data.
- Grid Settings: Used to set grid display options. It shows or hides the grid and controls its position in relation to the model (toggle overlay on or off).
K. View cube
- The view cube displays the 3D view orientation, updated in real time as the view is being rotated. You can align the view orientation by clicking the face of the cube.