Scan Data
Scan data is saved in two types: raw data and meditMesh data (=processed data).
Raw data is the original scan data.
meditMesh data is raw data post-processed for noise removal and optimization. This format is significantly smaller in size compared to the original data and can be exported in formats like meditMesh, STL, OBJ, and PLY.
The meditMesh format includes additional information specifically designed for use with various Medit Apps and is exclusively supported by Medit software.
STL, OBJ and PLY are universal formats, making them compatible with both Medit software and other CAD programs.
meditMesh data is combined with case information and referred to as Case Data.
ℹ️ Note
With raw data, users can easily continue scanning on another PC with the same account, and data analysis is possible in case of any issues during scanning.
Even without the raw data, adding additional scans is still possible.
If the network connection is slow, consider turning off the "Upload Raw Data" feature to improve speed.
Cloud storage is intended for sharing, while local storage (PC) is intended as a workspace.
By default, both raw data and case data are automatically saved to the cloud and local storage after processing. Make sure both storage spaces have sufficient capacity.
Cloud Storage Management
All files are securely stored on Amazon Web Services (AWS), adhering to the highest security standards in the market and the network is fully compliant with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), ensuring your data is safe and protected.
If your cloud storage is running low, you can either increase the storage capacity through a 10 TB membership plan or delete unnecessary files (backup to local storage using the Case Synchronization Manager if needed).
In addition to the three methods introduced at 0:57 in the video, you can also use the "Storage Management" feature in Settings to delete files within a specific timeframe at once.
Cloud Storage Management (Web)
Cloud Storage Management (App)
ℹ️ Note
Raw data does not consume the cloud storage space and is stored for six months before being automatically deleted. Therefore, the size of raw data is displayed as a number in "Storage Management" but is not shown in the pie chart.
Case data will remain stored on the Medit Link server indefinitely unless the user account is terminated.
Local Storage Management
If your local storage is running low, you should delete unnecessary files. If backup is needed, you can use "Case Synchronization Manager" to back them up to cloud storage or save the files using a case converting tool or the "Export" feature and transfer them to another device. (Refer to ℹ️Note below.)
You can also use the "Storage Management" feature in Settings to delete files from the local storage within a specific timeframe at once.
Local Storage Management (App)
ℹ️ Note
Methods for transferring storage data
In the Medit Link web/app, there are five methods for transferring data depending on the purpose.
❶ Order
When ordering via the Medit Link web/app, case data is transferred from the clinic's cloud storage to the lab's cloud storage.
❷ Share (Case Talk)
Using the "Share" feature in the Medit Link web/app, you can share a link to case data stored in the cloud storage. This feature is in "Case Box" for Clinic accounts and "Work Box" for Lab accounts.
❸ Case Synchronization Manager
With "Case Synchronization Manager," you can upload and download case data including raw data, between your local and cloud storage.
Case Synchronization Manager (App)
❹ Case Converting Tool
The "Case Converting Tool" allows you to compress multiple case data stored in local storage into a single meditex file and export it. This can be useful when backing up to an external storage device.
❺ Export
Using the "Export" feature, you can export meditMesh data from case data in local storage with the case information removed in your desired format (meditMesh, STL, OBJ, PLY).