1. Create a form information to scan scan bodies in Medit Link > Case Box, and launch Medit Scan for Clinics to start scan.
2. The scan body scan stage appears on the scan stage indicator.
- The mandibular scan body stage is located after the mandible scan stage, and the maxillary scan body scan stage after the maxilla scan stage.
3. Scan the maxilla and the mandible.
- Ensure to acquire scan data sufficiently from the emergence profile.
4. After scanning is done for both maxilla and mandible, mount scan bodies, and move to the scan body scan stage.
- Mount scan bodies in a direction that their matching points face the lingual or the buccal.
5. Start scan from an adjacent tooth of the scan body area, and complete the maxilla scan data.
- Change the scan depth to the maximum depth.
- Scan the scan body area slow enough to acquire scan data sufficiently.
6. Move to the occlusion scan stage, and scan the occlusion.
- Once the occlusion scan is done, click Complete to save the data.
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