Basic Workflow
Full Denture Scan (2021-11-19)
Implant Supported Denture Scan (2021-11-30)
Replica Denture Scan (2022-03-08)
How to align edentulous and denture scan data (2024-04-18)
Partial Denture Framework with Medit Design App (2023-04-20)
Designing teeth over the partial denture framework (2023-12-19)
Teeth & Gum separated Full Denture (2023-01-03)
Creating Temporary Denture using Medit Design (Edentulous case) (2022-09-26)
Creating a temporary denture in Medit Design (2022-10-21)
[Q&A] 27:08s ~
1. Have you ever done all-on-4 or all-on-6 treatment with a Medit scanner?
If you have, do you have any useful tips for it?
2. I'm worried about the accuracy if I go with a fixed full arch restoration. So normally I'm doing 3 pieces restoration. May I ask how? Like any secrets for fabricating precise restorations?
3. I've tried to scan full or even partial edentulous cases but somehow it was super hard to capture it. I've done everything Medit already guided on the video. (Switched several options, and made some resin marks...) Did I miss something?
4. I want to know which brand of 3D printer you are currently using.
5. I'm having trouble when scanning the bleed area.
6. What else you are making or working with Medit design other than temporary restoration?
7. How to capture a bite without an old or temporary denture? I mean even before wax-rim.
8. We are having difficulty with tongue and saliva control. Any tips on these scans? We have given it multiple go's and went back to impressions.
Digital Edentulous VD(Vertical Dimension) Setting (2024-07-03)
Revolutionizing Denture Fabrication (03:47)
The Three Pillars of Denture Fabrication (06:15)
Case Study: Centric Tray & Gnathometer M (08:27)
Designing with Medit Design & Medit Splints App (14:04)
[Q&A] 30:55s ~
1. Are there any key parts to be considered when restoring an edentulous case digitally?
2. What is the clinical tip when setting VD in digital way?
3. If you are making a bite rim with 3d printing, do you think digital bite rim can be replaced with conventional wax rim?
4. Is there any specific process in the conventional way that is still essential and can't be replaced with digital method when restoring an edentulous case digitally?
How to Create a Digital Immediate Denture (2025-02-03)
Step 1: Performing Digital Extraction
Step 2: Creating the Denture Base
Step 3: Importing the Teeth Library
Step 4: Adapting Teeth to the Denture Base
Reviewing the Final Denture Using Section View
Options for 3D Printing the Final Denture: Separate or Integrated Base and Teeth
1. When do you reline the immediate denture, and what material do you use?
2. What is the benefit of the space between the gums and the denture? And what about the space between the denture teeth and the base?
3. Do you always need to make the immediate denture with separate teeth and base?