This series is aimed at clarifying inquiries that are posted on Medit's Facebook on a monthly basis, with responses provided by one of our famous dentists.😀
Please Solve Me - October, 2024 (Questions from facebook)
Q1. What specifications should I consider when purchasing a laptop for a scanner? (1:09s ~)
Q2. Is Buying a M3 MacBook a Good Choice for a Scanning Computer? (13:50s ~)
Q3. At This Point, Would You Buy the i600 Scanner? (21:36s ~)
Q4. What Is the Best Screen Position for Scanning? (30:54s ~)
Please Solve Me - September, 2024 (Questions from facebook)
Q1. Why do the occlusal contacts in the full arch scan data change significantly between the pre-scan data and the post-processed scan data? (1:24s ~)
Q2. Does the software alter the scan data after scanning and alignment? I have received several scan cases where the adjacent teeth are misaligned around the scan body. (13:31s ~)
Q3. Why does the hard disk show over 600 gb of used space while the cloud only shows 90 gb have been used? (22:43s ~)
Q4.What is the proper method for scanning a two-piece scan body? (31:02s ~)
Please Solve Me - August, 2024 (Questions from facebook)
[Questions for Aug]
Q1. In complex mutliple implant cases, scanning takes too long. How can I over come this? (0:56s ~)
Q2. How can we improve the scan quality of full metal crown scanning? (12:15s ~)
Q3. How do I resolve it when the message 'connection failed' appears? (24:36s ~)
Q4. How can we obtain accurate facial scan data using an intraoral scanner? (30:13s ~)
Please Solve Me - July, 2024 (Questions from facebook)
Q1. Why do I get this crash blue screen every time I handle a big case? (1:07s ~)
Q2. What should I do if the scanbody I am using is not registered in the Medit library? (7:54s ~)
Q3. Please help. I'm having trouble properly aligning a cylinderical-shaped scanbody. (15:15s ~)
Q4. How can I accurately scan two closely positioned scanbodies? (22:08s ~)
Please Solve Me - June, 2024 (Questions from facebook)
Q1. What causes the implant crown to be out of occlusion? (2:19s ~)
Q2. How can I effectively communicate with a dental lab when making a modelless crown? (13:32s ~)
Q3. Can Medit Link be used to efficiently communicate with lab technicians? (27:30s ~)
Please Solve Me - May, 2024 (Questions from facebook)
Q1. What is the best technique to get accurate scans of the contact areas? (1:22s ~)
Q2. How can I avoid blurriness when the crown margin is located subgingival? (9:41s ~)
Q3. What's the best way to avoid surface artifacts & edge smoothening? (21:31s ~)
Please Solve Me - April, 2024 (Questions from facebook)
Q1. Which scanner do you recommend between wired and wireless? (2:31s ~)
Q2. Is there any difference in the quality of margin scan data between i600 and i700? (11:13s ~)
Q3. Please help. I saved the scan but the details were lost. How can I prevent it from losing the details? (17:59s ~)
Q4. Is there any change of 'Undercut analysis' after the update? (25:09s ~)
Q5. Can you please add a function of 'Undercut depth' in the Medit Design? (28:32s ~)
Please Solve Me - March, 2024 (Questions from facebook)
Q1. Why do holes appear in the cusp of scanned data? (1:53s ~)
Q2. The tooth seems to have intruded into the opposing tooth by more than 1 mm. Why is this happening? (7:12s ~)
Q3. Is it possible to align the scanned upper model and lower jaw by using existing bite data? (15:38s ~)
Q4. This issue concerns 'Excessive data filtering'. Why does it occur, and which settings should I check? (20:12s ~)
Q5. Why didn't my glove get color filtered automatically? (25:44s ~)
Please Solve Me - February, 2024 (Questions from facebook)
Q1. What is the compatible scan body for a Straumann implant which is not made of PEEK plastic? (2:27s ~)
Q2. How can I scan multiple implant cases using a single scan body? (10:26s ~)
Q3. Please help. I have rescanned the scanbody, but it is being scanned separately from the patient's oral cavity. (15:45s ~)
Q4. Please help. The scanner looses track all the time when scanning multiple scanbodies for edentulous case. (18:46s ~)
Please Solve Me - January, 2024 (Questions from facebook)
Please Solve Me - December, 2023 (Questions from facebook)
Please Solve Me - November, 2023 (Questions from facebook)
Q1. Why is my Medit i600 scan so grainy? (4:27s ~)
Q2. Why is the color of occlusion scan gray? (9:03s ~)
Q3. What are all the small blue arrows? How many of them are appropriate number? (17:40s ~)
Q4. Is the Intel 14900 worth the extra money than the 14700? (23:19s ~)
Q5. Is the I600 laptop core I7 11800 H is a good one to go? (28:12s ~)