1. Title Bar
2. Mode Description
3. Data Tree
4. Undo/Redo
5. Guide Message
6. 3D Data
7. Target Teeth List
8. Form
9. Tools/Settings
9.1 Viewing Tools
10. Previous/Next
Title Bar
The following options are available in the Title Bar:
- Menu: Used to check the details of the application, use provided assistance resources, and adjust settings.
- Help Center: Used to go to the online Medit Help Center page.
- Start Video Recording: Start the video capture.
- Screenshot: Used to capture the screen. You can select the area automatically or manually. The automatic select area captures either the program area or the main 3D data area.
- Screen Capture Image Manager: Used to manage screen capture images.
- Minimize: Used to minimize the application window.
- Maximize or Restore: Used to maximize or restore the application window.
- Exit: Close the application.
Data Tree
- The Data Tree is located on the left side of the screen and displays a list of the data in groups that you are using. Control data easily by hiding, showing, or changing its transparency one by one or in groups.
- Elements in the Data Tree will differ depending on which module or stage of the process you are in. The images below provide a high-level overview of the Data Tree in crown and bridge cases.
- Crown Case
- Bridge Case
Throughout the design process, the tools and settings available on the right will change to reflect the current step's purpose. Some tools may only be found in specific modules.
Here's a quick rundown of all the tools and settings on the right side of the screen:
- Viewing Tools: A set of tools for data display, control, and data analysis of scanned data.
- Quick Settings: Options for adjustment of the future restorations.
- Selection Tools: A set of tools for teeth data selection and deselection.
- Margin Line Tools: A set of tools for margin line drawing.
- Sculpting Tools: A set of tools for editing the outer surface.
- Connector Editor: Options for connector editing.
- Positioning Tools: A set of tools for library teeth positioning.
- Editing Tools: Advanced editing options for the inner and outer surfaces of the restoration.
💡 Editing Tools are available only in Advanced Edit mode.
💡 Viewing Tools are available throughout all design processes.
Viewing Tools
Viewing Tools contains tools that can be used to display, view, and manipulate scanned data.
These tools are available at all stages of the restoration design process.
Data Display
- Change Data Display Mode: Change the data display mode
- Grid settings (mm): Show or hide the grid. Control grid position in relation to the model. (overlay on/off)
Touch Screen/Mouse Options
- Zoom: Left-click and drag to zoom.
- Rotate: Left-click and drag to rotate the data.
Contact/Thickness Analysis
- Show/Hide Contact Areas with Antagonists: When enabled, this function displays overlapping restoration and antagonist areas. Turn on when sculpting the restoration's outer surface to check the occlusion.
- Show/Hide Contact Areas with Adjacents: Select this option to display overlapping areas between the restoration and the adjacents. While sculpting the outer surface of the restoration, use this tool to add or remove material to ensure proper fit.
- Minimum Thickness: Display/Hide: Turn on to see the restoration's thin areas. When sculpting, use this to ensure that the restoration is not too thin to print/mill.
Action Control
Within each step, there are four buttons that control the action. They can be found in the window's bottom corners.
- : Undo the previous action.
- : Redo the previous action.
- Previous: Go back to the previous step.
- Next: Apply the changes and move to the next step.
The keyboard can also be used to control actions.
- Space Bar: Save your changes and proceed to the next step.
- Arrow keys: Change the number of teeth in the list at the bottom of the screen.