When you select a case in Case Box, the Case Detail page for that case appears. You can create form information, start scans, or place an order on the Case Detail page.
(1) Go back to Case Box.
(2) Case information modification
- Case information, such as the case name and patient name, can be changed. You can also change the patient for the current case.
(3) Available commands, such as Scan, CAD, and Order, are represented by buttons.
(4) The Extended menu icon (vertical ellipsis) gives you access to the following menu, which offers additional options based on the case's progress.
- Scan > Export for CAD, Rescan
- CAD > Complete manually, Complete manually by attaching files
- CAM > Complete manually, Complete Manually by attaching files
- Mill > Complete manually, Complete Manually by attaching files
- Done > Complete manually, Complete Manually by attaching files
(5) Scan, CAD, or File viewer tabs appear depending on the status of the current case.
- Scan: You can create the form information to scan the case.
- CAD: The form information entered in this tab is transmitted to the CAD program.
- File viewer: A tree view appears for all acquired files such as scanned files and 2D images(screenshots), and you can preview these files as well.
(6) Case Status & Order
- The current case's status label appears; clicking the label opens a dialog box with command options.
- By clicking the Order icon, you can place an order for the current case.
(7) Functions (left to right)
- Memo: You can make a note for the case. The memo will be sent in conjunction with the case order.
- Case History: Dates changed, scanned, created, and file size
- Delete: Only cases created while in online mode can be deleted.
- Clone: A copy of the current case. It can be used to replicate treatment information for the same patient.
- Attach: This command adds files to the current case.
- Export: This function saves scan or CAD result files in the specified file format.
- Share: Generates a weblink for disturbing the data.
- Support Request: The request will be routed to Medit's tech support center.
⚠︎ If the case has been ordered, the Attach and Delete options will be disabled.
(8) The corresponding interface is displayed depending on the tab you select (Scan, CAD, or File viewer).
(9) Form information and a memo are displayed. When you select scan data, a preview of that data appears here.
(10) Side toolbar
- Capture & memo: You can create memos and capture screenshots.
- Orthodontic capture: For an orthodontic case, you can create memos and screenshots.
- Filling empty spaces: fills the gaps in mesh data.
- Trimming: Trimming: Using trimming tools, you can remove unnecessary data, select the area to keep, and edit it.
(11) Side toolbar
- Pan: moves the model's position without changing the magnification.
- Rotate: This command rotates the model.
- Zoom in/out: Used to zoom in/out on the model.
- Zoom fit: returns the model view to its original size and position.
- Texture: toggle the color option on and off.