1. Start the Medit Link application.
2. In Work Box, select the case to export margin lines.
3. In the Work Detail page, click Export.
4. According to your export setup in Settings, the files are exported in a selected format and saved to the chosen storage location.
- If margin lines were created via Medit Scan for Clinics, a [.xyz] format file can be found in the storage location.
5. Start exocad DB, and fill out the patient form.
6. After filling out the patient form, click Open in explorer.
7. Change the case ID number of exported files to the name of the .dentalproject file, and then move them to the exocad folder.
Example) Case ID number: 7794799
- 7794799-17-Margin.xyz ➠ .dentalProject file name-17-Margin.xyz
- 7794799-occlusionfirst.ply ➠ .dentalProject file name-occlusionfirst.ply
- 7794799-upperjaw.ply ➠ .dentalProject file name-upperjaw.ply
- 7794799-lowerjaw.ply ➠ .dentalProject file name-lowerjaw.ply
8. Go to Design, and see if the margin line is loaded properly.