High-resolution scan (Unavailable with i600)
- Used to obtain high-resolution 3D images from the entire or partial scan area.
- High-resolution and standard-resolution images are combined during the post-processing.
- The post-processing time is longer when this feature is active than when it is deactivated.
- When scanning prepped teeth or scan bodies that demand more precise information, this function comes in handy.
- For scan areas that require more fine information, use the high-resolution scan mode, and for the rest, use the regular resolution scan option. In this approach, the final result's post-processing time and file size are reduced compared to scanning the entire case in High-resolution mode, but it still retains all important details.
- When utilizing the High-resolution scan mode, it is advisable to set the model display mode to Texture off since the areas scanned in this manner are easily visible in a single texture color.