The Order Box generates a list of all ordered cases. Labels indicate the status of ordered cases: pending, accepted, shipped, completed, canceled, rejected, or refunded.
(1) After selecting a search attribute from the single-select list, enter the case name, patient name, patient ID, lab name, or order ID to search for a case. The search attribute is set to "All" by default, and the query method is "Contains." The customized search attribute and query method will be retained until the application is restarted.
- Contains: locates a case that contains a specific string in a given name.
- Equals: locates a case whose given name is an exact match.
- The search feature is not case-sensitive, but it is sensitive to whitespace.
(2) The order date can be used to filter the list. Choose a preset period, such as 7 days or 30 days, or specify your own period by entering the start and end dates.
(3) Filtering options include Pending, Cancelled, Rejected, Accepted, Shipped, and Case Completed.
(4) Case grouping
- Sort the cases according to the order date, scan date, or requested delivery date.
(5) The order of sorting
- Sort the case list by the name of the patient, the update date, the scan date, or the requested delivery date.
(6) The selected filter lists all ordered cases.
- All cases are kept up to date in real time.
- Cases with the status Canceled, Rejected, or Refunded are visible in the list, but Order Detail is not available.