The system automatically commences the post-processing procedure when a case's status becomes "Scanned".
- During this stage, the case's status is indicated as Processing, Waiting, Pending or Processing Failed.
- Medit Link performs one post-processing task at a time. While a post-processing task is in progress, the other cases the status of which are "Scanned" will be queued.
If you wish to stop the current post-processing procedure and start another case, you can cancel the current task to start another one.
(1) Select the Case (B) that is currently being processed, and click the Cancel to call off the task.
💡Depending on the post-processing status, command options you can perform varies as the following:
- Processing: Cancel
- Waiting: Proceed First, Cancel
- Processing Failed: Retry, Cancel
(2) Go to the Case (A), and click the Proceed First button to commence the post-processing procedure.