You can search for potential partners to request a partnership and view the list of current partners.
Search for Partners
You can search for Medit Link users based on their business name and/or address.
In the search results, you can send a partnership request to a business you want to work with. Search results are listed by order volume within the region shown on the map.
My Partner List
You can review your current partnerships with all your existing partner businesses in Partnership tab. You can approve or reject received partnership requests in Pending tab.
Partner Invitation
If you have a clinic or lab you want to work with, you can invite them to join Medit Link. The partnership will be automatically formed once they accept the invitation.
1. Click "Invite Partner" in the top left of your screen.
2. Enter the email address of a business you want to work with and send them an invitation with a partnership request.
3. Once the invited organization accepts the invitation and signs up for Medit Link, the partnership will be automatically established.