1. Create form information by entering tooth type, option, and notes, and then click Save & Scan.
2. Complete the scan strategy setting, and click Confirm.
- Maxilla > Multi-die
- Mandible > Base
3. Insert the model to the scanner, adjust the scan depth, and start scan.
- Set the scan depth adequately so that scan data contains less unnecessary areas, which saves the lead time of the merging process later on.
4. The base scan is complete.
- Check whether all scan images are acquired for necessary areas. If not, perform additional scan.
5. Referring to teeth numbers, mark all teeth on the scan data, and click Confirm.
6. Referring to the guide image, place the prepped teeth onto the multi-die. Insert the multi-die to the scanner and start scan.
7. The prepped-teeth scan is complete.
- Check whether all scan images are acquired for necessary areas. If not, perform additional scan.
8. Scan the mandibular model.
- Check whether all scan images are acquired for necessary areas. If not, perform additional scan.
9. Scan the occlusal model fixed by a screw jig.
10. The maxillary base model and the prepped teeth have been aligned. If the alignment is satisfactory, move to the next step.
- If the auto-alignment is unsatisfactory, you can manually align the scan data.
- 1 point or 3 points can be used for alignment.
11. Align the maxilla and the occlusion by manual.
- 1 point or 3 points can be used for alignment.
- Mark alignment points onto the maxilla and the occlusion respectively.
12. Align the mandible and the occlusion by manual.
- 1 point or 3 points can be used for alignment.
- Mark alignment points onto the maxilla and the occlusion respectively.
13. The alignment has been completed.
- Remove unnecessary scan data by using editing tools, and then click Next to start the merging process.
14. Check the merged scan data, and click Exit to save and complete the case.