Cases that came in as orders or that you created using the New Case feature can be managed in Work Box.
[A] Search for cases
You can find a case by entering its case name, patient name, patient ID, or lab name after selecting a search attribute from the single-select list. The search attribute is set to "All" by default, and the query method is "Contains." The customized search attribute and query method will be retained until the application is restarted.
- Contains: locates a case that contains a specific string in a given name.
- Equals: locates a case whose given name is an exact match.
- The Search feature is not case-sensitive, but it is sensitive to whitespace.
[B] Sort cases by status
- Cases can be filtered by status, which includes Scanned, Ordered, and Completed.
- To sort cases by a specific status, click the Filter icon.
- After selecting a status, click the Apply button to view the corresponding cases.
[C] Grouping cases
- Cases can be sorted by patient name, order date, and scan date.
[D] Create a new case
(1) For a new case, enter the patient's name.
- You can either add a new patient or open a new case for an existing patient.
(2) As a default case name, the system suggests "<patient's name> case," which you can change as needed.
(3) Displays a list of patients. You can add new patients or change information for existing patients.
[E] The sorting order
The case list can be sorted by patient name, update date, scan date, or order date. The available options differ depending on the Group type-[C].
- Grouping = None; Sorting = Patient name / Modification date / Scan date / Order date
- Grouping = Patient name; Sorting = Modification date / Scan date / Order date
- Grouping = Scanned date; Sorting = Patient name / Modification date / Order date
- Grouping = Patient name; Sorting = Patient name / Modification date / Scan date