Only the scan time requirements varies depending on the level of difficulty.
Other practice mode scores are calculated based on scan data acquired by the user.
The meaning of each component is as follows:
Progress Rate
- Performance rate of the scan process proposed in the hands-on model. Progress is indicated by arrows that appear during the scan.
Data Reliability Ratio
- Proportion of reliable data (white area) out of the total scan data (white area+light sky area) acquired based on reliability map. Scan additional data to fulfill the lacking areas. Move the scanner in multiple directions and scan data from various angles to improve data reliability.
Number of Major Holes
- Number of wide areas where scan data is missing.
Matching rate
- Compares the "your scan data" and "reference model data", and displays the percentage of area that satisfies the standard deviation value. Reference model data was acquired by an accurate tabletop scanner beforehand and this data is downloaded when you scanning the model's QR code before starting the first practice mode.