In Overview mode, you can closely examine your imported data and work with the Section View feature, which allows you to conduct a more detailed analysis of the occlusal relationship.
This mode is entered by default when no other mode on the left-side panel is selected.
On the right side of the window, you can find a tools panel that includes all key features needed to perform occlusal analysis. With certain limitations, all of them can be used across all modes.
Color Map On/Off
- Turn on or off the color map.
Switch Deviation Display Area
- Switch deviation display scale between all data and contact area only.
Switch View
- Change the view between opened jaws and closed jaws.
Section View
- To use the tools for creating and managing section views, turn on the toggle.
How to use Color Map
Color Map is on by default. It shows the contact relationship between the maxilla and the mandible. Refer to the color map legend in the left corner of the window to help you analyze the bite. Use the icon at the top of the color bar legend to expand it and show specific value ranges for each color.
If you want to see only the contact points data, click "Switch Deviation Display Area" and the color bar will be limited to positive values only.
How to work with section views
Turn on the Section View toggle to work with section planes.
Tools (Section View)
Add Section Plane
- Add a new section plane.
- Show section views for all planes.
Auto Selection
- Automatically add planes in areas of occlusal interference.
Show/Hide Section View
- Display or hide cutting plane, lines, and the section view window.
Dynamic Clipping
- Show a cross-sectional view in real time while you move the section plane.
Set Arch Line
- Manually create or adjust the arch line.
1. Use "Add Section Plane" to create a new section in the data areas of your interest.
- You can create up to 4 planes.
- Click and drag each plane to change its position if needed. To delete a plane, click the trash bin icon at the top of the plane.
💡You can also use "Auto Section" for the program to automatically create planes in the areas of occlusal interferences. Note that using it will delete any planes that were created before.
2. Each section plane has its own view window.
- They are color-coded for easy identification.
- Use the right and left arrows at the top to switch between section views.
- Use the mouse wheel to zoom in on the view.
There are 5 tools provided within a section view window.
Measure Distance by One Point | Measure the shortest distance to the adjacent 3D data or line. |
Measure Distance by Two Points | Measure the distance between two points. |
Delete Measurement Results | Delete measurement results by clicking on them. |
Grid (mm) | Show or hide the grid. |
3D View | Show the section view in 3D. |
By default, the position and size of the section view window are fixed. Click the top right corner to enable moving and resizing; click it again to return to the default state.
3. If you want to compare section views for all created planes, use the "Multi-View" feature.
4. Click the "Show/Hide Section View" icon once to show section lines. Then click again to hide the section view window, section planes, and lines. Use this feature to preserve created planes while working in other modes.
💡If you instead turn off the Section View toggle, all your created planes will be deleted.
How to use "Dynamic Clipping"
Dynamic Clipping shows a cross-sectional view in real time while you move the section plane. You can clip data on the left or right side of the plane or use Auto Directing, which will switch the clipping direction as you move the plane along the arch line.
💡Use control points on the plane to rotate it.
Toolbox (Dynamic Clipping)
Auto Directing
- Automatically change the clipping direction when moving the plane.
Right Clipping
- Clip data on the right side of the plane and show only the left side.
Left Clipping
- Clip data on the left side of the plane and show only the right side.
How to use "Set Arch Line"
To work in the app, the program must be able to detect an arch line on your data. If an arch line is not detected upon importing data, you will be asked to set one. It can be also adjusted later.
⚠️ If you're using scan data with only one quadrant of both maxilla and mandible, the app may ask you to set the arch line manually upon entering.
1. Select three points on the data following the curvature of the arch, and an arch line will be created.
- You can delete the last created point to correct the line using the "Delete Marker Point" feature.
- If you're adjusting the existing arch line, you can reset to the last saved one using "Reset."
2. When finished, click the "Exit" button. The arch line will be saved.
Toolbox (Set Arch line)
Delete Marker Point
- Delete the last created marker point.
- Restore previously saved arch line.
- Go back to the previous step.